16 Week Referral Syndicate

Grow & scale your business with strategic partnerships and no-BS networking in a community of like-minded female founders

This group is for you if...

You want a quality networking group for aligned referrals

You are done wasting your time with fluffy networking that doesn't grow your biz

You are established in your business and clear on what you offer and who you serve

We begin October 15th, meeting every Tuesday at 12pm EST for 16 weeks


To bring established women in business together for an elevated networking experience. We are changing the world of networking meetings by creating a space that perfectly blends friendships and genuine relationships with actual, real business growth through referrals and collaborations (and without all the spammy BS of selling within the group)

The Structure of Each Meeting

  • Intro/Welcome/Housekeeping

  • Engagement blast for 2 pre-selected members

  • Group commercials (45 seconds to share your intro & ask)

  • Business presentation from 1 or 2 pre-selected members

  • Breakout room (if time allows, usually 1 per meeting)

  • Share wins/referrals

  • Sign off

Over 16 weeks you will get an engagement blast, a business spotlight, and promotion spotlights on our public social medias (in addition to all the referrals and collabs from building connections with the other ladies in the group!)

Curious about who is currently enrolled for the next cohort and which categories are still open?

CLICK HERE for real time updates on confirmed and open seats for the next cohort

"I love being part of BAWB! [Sarah] is amazing at bringing together and highlighting women who are doing amazing things in the world!"

-Amanda S., member

You ready to get your business more visible & to bring in more leads?

Let's go, girlfriend!! Now is your time to experience a whole new kind of intentional and aligned networking that will actually help you move the needle forward.

We offer flexible payment options once you've been accepted


bi-weekly x8


pay in full discount

Regardless of which payment option you choose you get: exclusivity in your category for your cohort, weekly networking, full community access, and promotional opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to join/pay right away or can I wait until closer to the start date?

You can wait, BUT we are enrolling on a first-come first-serve basis. You will be given a deadline of when we will need a response before opening up that seat to another applicant. If you are accepted further away from the start date, you will be given the option to pay a deposit to hold your seat if it is a better fit for you. **You WILL get immediate access to the community and some membership events as soon as you complete payment

How can I see if my category is open or to see the other types of businesses already confirmed for this cohort?

We are posting updates 1x a week (sometimes more often) RIGHT HERE. You can click to view open, pending, and confirmed seats. Open and pending categories are open for applications

What is the commitment by becoming a member?

We hold our members of the Referral Syndicate to a slightly higher standard for how they show up. By becoming a member, you are agreeing to be present for each of the 16 weekly meetings (at least 12 or more), to be present in each meeting, to be active in doing coffee chats/passing referrals/collabing with other members. The more active we all are, the more we all grow our businesses!

Time commitment: 1 hour for weekly meeting, coffee chats (I recommend 30 min each) scheduled based on your availability, and approx 15-30 min each week for follow ups/engagement with other members

Please note that you are committing to the entire 16 weeks

Are there quotas for referrals?

Nope! In BAWB we are focused on quality over anything else. You are expected to bring referrals and make introductions to your fellow Badass Women when it aligns and when you can, but there is not a formal quota for you to stress over. If you are unsure about how you will get referrals -- don't worry! Opportunities will come up every single week that you didn't even think of... plus.... you can always just ask how they need support ;)

What are the attendance policies?

Please see the FAQ above about commitment. We allow for 1 absence per month per member. If you are out more than that, we need to be notified so that we can help support you. You can also get a sub to stand in for you (doesn't count as an absence). Missing more than 4 meetings in a 16 week period (that's 25%!) can lead to grounds for removal.

Am I allowed to attend the monthly speed networking, too?

YES!! We encourage this. As a Syndicate member you can complimentary access to the ACTIVATE+ monthly speed networking events. You can find those days/times on the membership site once you are accepted and given access. We have a members only calendar that makes it super easy to keep track of events.

What happens after the 16 weeks

After the 16 weeks we will take a small hiatus (2-3 weeks) and then begin the next Syndicate. As a member you are allowed (and encouraged) to re-apply for each round we run. In order to do that you will just need to re-apply and re-commit to another 16 weeks. Current members will always get first dibs and will be approved based on participation from the previous round.

Option 2: you can stay in the community through the ACTIVATE+ membership which is a month-to-month membership without exclusivity. This membership offers monthly speed networking 2x a month and community access for only $47/mo.

CLICK HERE to go to the main SarahJeanCo. site